These days it seems that words like Marketing, Advertising, and Promotional get tossed around interchangeably. Though they really are different things and have different strategic purposes. The technical definition of [...]
Email marketing was once scoffed at as being the digital marketing equivalent of throwing spaghetti at the wall. In ye olden days of email marketing response rates could be less [...]
Content marketing employs the strategic use of powerful keywords and information to help inform website visitors and drive sales. It also plays a critical role in helping your website rank [...]
Video technology and its uses have certainly come a long way since the early days of your grandfather’s 8-millimeter camera and the 20-pound camcorder your father used to videotape your [...]
Remember That Ad Campaign: “Dude you’re getting a Dell!”
Seeing the Dell Dude in the 2000s was a good sign. The Dell Dude (not to be confused with 'Adele') was the star of Dell computer marketing campaign commercials from 2000 to 2003. Steve the [...]